The American Nursing Association & Arizona Nurses Association to date have offered no assistance or support other than that they are "monitoring."
If you can suggest other organizations that could help nurses in Amanda Trujillo's position, we would like to list them on our site. Nurseup.com
This case is supported by nursing leaders including:
Annette Tersigni, Carol Gino, Donna Wilk Cardillo, Echo Heron, Michael Pergrem, Patricia Patrica Iyer, Dr. Richard Wilmer and many others.
Amanda Trujillo, RN – Nurse fired for being a patient advocate, @PatIyer:"The story of Amanda Trujillo is a horrifying one. Briefly, she is a single mom who fought to get off welfare and fulfilled her dream of becoming a nurse. Not only did she become a nurse, she earned a masters and doctorate degree in nursing. One night while working at Banner Health in Arizona, she took care of a patient who was being asked to undergo a liver transplant."
http://nurseup.com/wordpress/2012/02/amanda-trujillo-rn-fired-for-being-a-patient-advocate-pat-iyer-com-patiyer-nurseup-nursefriendly-amandatrujillo/Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nurseup.com, A Nursing Advocacy Organization
38 Tattersall Drive
West Deptford, New Jersey 08051
856-415-9617, Fax: 856-415-9618, info@nursefriedly.com, Nursefriendly National Directories
Amanda Trujillo – RN fired for being a patient advocate-Pat Iyer.com @patiyer #nurseup #nursefriendlnurseup.comFebruary 21, 2012 in Amanda Trujillo, Banner Health, Banner Health Arizona, Hospitals & Healthcare Systems, Informed Consent, Nurse Leaders, Nursing Journals, Patient Advocacy, Patient Education, Social Network Public Postings, Specialty Nurses, State Boards of Nursing
https://www.facebook.com/arizonanursesassociation/posts/195498850558666?ref=n...For more information, please visit http://www.nurseup.com-- Sincerely,Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051
http://www.nursefriendly.com info@nursefriendly.com Twitter: @nursefriendly
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http://www.legalnursingconsultant.comNursefriendly.com:"Nationwide Nursing Resources: In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, LPNs, RNs, APNs, Nursing Associations and much more."
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http://www.nursingdiabetics.comNursingdiscussions.com:"This website will be a portal to Nursing Discussion boards throughout the Web. If your site has a discussion board we don't have listed here, please contact us."
http://www.nursingdiscussions.comNursingentrepreneurs.com:"Nationwide Nursing resource to nurse entrepreneurs looking to nework and start home based businesses. On it you will find links to small and large business related resources."
http://www.nursingentrepreneurs.comNursinghumor.com:"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc."
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