Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rectal Bleeding, Hematochezia, Symptoms, Directory, Health, Medical

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Rectal bleeding during pregnancy, What could cause rectal bleeding during pregnancy?"Rectal bleeding is typically caused by hemorrhoids — varicose veins in and around the rectum. Hemorrhoids are relatively common during pregnancy, particularly in the last trimester and in the weeks after giving birth. If you strain during a bowel movement, pass hard stools, or rub when you wipe, these swollen veins may bleed. Anal fissures are another cause of rectal bleeding. These painful cracks in the skin of the anus may be caused by passing hard stools as a result of constipation, which is common during pregnancy."
163 Freelon Street
San Francisco, CA 94107


Hemorrhoids and Rectal Bleeding,"If you have rectal pain or bleeding, check with your doctor. The odds are overwhelming that you have a fissure or a crack in your rectum that can be cured with antibiotics and a topical nitroglycerin cream. If your doctor does not find hemorrhoids or fissures, you must have a tube inserted into your colon to check for other causes of bleeding such as cancers, since one in four cases of rectal bleeding not caused by fissures or hemorrhoids is caused by serious disease (2). If you have a small crack called a fissure or large veins called hemorrhoids, you can often be cured by applying a special ointment made by mixing one part of the commercially available (by prescription) 2% nitroglycerin ointment with 20 parts of Vaseline (3,4,5,7,8,10). If you do not dilute the nitroglycerine, it can cause headaches. I also recommend that both you and your mate take a long-acting erythromycin (azithromycin 250 mg once a day for 9 days)."


Rectal Bleeding Causes,"Anorectal disorders: These are the most common causes of minor rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are swollen rectal veins in the anal and rectal area. They can cause burning, painful discomfort, and bleeding. External hemorrhoids are small swellings that are easy to see and quite painful. Anal itching is common. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless. A rectal mass sensation may be noted with bowel movements."


Rectal Bleeding, The Diagnosis, Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology:"The Medical History - What is the patient's age? Older people tend to have polyps and cancer more often. Is there anal pain and a hard, large stool associated with bleeding? A tear of the anus (fissure) may be the answer. Does blood drip into the toilet after a bowel movement? Bleeding hemorrhoids may be the problem. The color and frequency of the bleeding are additional considerations. In most cases, the medical history provides clues, but never the final answer. The Visual and Digital Exam - The physician will inspect the anal area looking for tears and hemorrhoids. A finger exam can provide information when there is tenderness or a tumor inside. In men, the prostate is also examined."
Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology
423 North 21st Street, Suite 100
Camp Hill, PA 17011
(717) 761-0930
Fax: (717) 761-0465


Rectal Bleeding, When to see your doctor, Mayo Clinic:"Consult your doctor at the first sign of rectal bleeding. Often, the bleeding is temporary and easily treated. Sometimes, however, the bleeding may be a warning sign of something more serious. Prompt diagnosis and treatment could save your life. Treatment depends on what's causing your bleeding."
Mayo Clinic
200 First St. S.W.
Rochester, MN 55905
Contact by E-mail


Rectal bleeding, Definition and description, MedicineNet, Inc.:"Rectal bleeding (known medically as hematochezia) refers to passage of bright red blood from the anus, often mixed with stool and/or blood clots. (It is called rectal bleeding because the rectum lies immediately above the anus. Although the bleeding indeed may be coming from the rectum, as discussed later, it also may be coming from other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.) The severity of rectal bleeding (i.e., the quantity of blood loss) varies widely. Most episodes of rectal bleeding are mild and stop on their own. Many patients report only passing a few drops of fresh blood that turns the toilet water pink or seeing spots of blood on the tissue paper. Others may report brief passage of a spoonful or two of blood. Generally, mild rectal bleeding can be evaluated and treated in the doctor's office without hospitalization or the need for urgent diagnosis and treatment."
MedicineNet, Inc.
903 Calle Amanecer, Suite 300
San Clemente, CA 92673
Telephone: 949.940.6500
Fax: 949.940.1094


Rectal bleeding, The University of Iowa:"Rectal bleeding can be a sign of many different problems. Some causes can be serious. All rectal bleeding requires a medical check- up. Bright red blood may be seen only on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. This is usually from a hemorrhoid or anal fissure. A hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the anal area. A fissure is a split in the anal mucosal surface. Both cause difficult and painful bowel movements. Blood in the stool may also indicate an inflamed rectum or colon. These could become serious conditions. They usually are present with other symptoms. An inflamed rectum is usually caused by an infection. The cause of an inflamed colon is usually unknown."
The University of Iowa
2222 Old Hwy 218 S #178 MBSB | Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1602


Rectal Bleeding, What are the symptoms? University of Michigan Health System:"Rectal bleeding is bright red blood on a bowel movement, on toilet tissue after wiping, or in the toilet water. You may or may not have some pain with passing the bowel movement. If you have external hemorrhoids, you may have pain when you sit. If you have diverticula, you may have no symptoms or you may have bouts of abdominal pain. Sometimes you may have bouts of pain with fever for a day or two if the diverticula are inflamed or infected. When colon cancer is the cause of bright red bleeding, it may be your only symptom or you may have other symptoms. These other symptoms may include diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, weight loss, loss of appetite, and tiredness. Colon cancer is not a common cause of rectal bleeding. It is more common for colon cancer to cause blood to be in the bowel movement but not be visible. Special tests of the bowel movement are necessary to show that blood is present."
University of Michigan Health System
1500 E. Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48109 734-936-4000


Rectal bleeding, Definition, Virtual Medical Centre (Australia, pictures, photos):"Rectal bleeding, also known as haematochezia, refers to the passage of bright blood (often mixed with clots or stools) via the rectum. The rectum is the final 15cm of the colon (large intestine) where faeces accumulate before being expelled from the body via the anal canal. Rectal bleeding can be due to bleeding from anywhere in the lower gastrointestinal tract namely the colon, rectum or anus. Rectal bleeding is a very common complaint in the general population and affects up to 15% of adults. Unfortunately not all these people report their symptoms to their doctors which is dangerous as a small proportion of rectal bleeding is due to an underlying colorectal carcinoma. The majority of cases however will be due to a self-limiting condition affecting the anus or rectum but it is still important that you see a doctor."
Virtual Medical Centre Headquarters
PO Box 1048
Subiaco 6904
Phone: +61 (08) 9388 0344
Fax: +61 (08) 9388 0611


Rectal Bleeding, Self-Care at Home,"If minimal rectal bleeding, such as blood-streaked toilet tissue, is the source of the problem, it may be due to hemorrhoids or a rectal fissure. Home therapy can be attempted. All other causes of rectal bleeding should be evaluated and treated by a physician in a timely fashion. Self-care of rectal bleeding may include various rectal ointments and suppositories. These can be bought over-the-counter without a prescription. Still, if your symptoms are not improved within 1 week of treatment or you are older than 40 years, you should see your doctor for further evaluation. Simple home care of rectal bleeding might involve these actions: Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Bathe or shower daily to cleanse the skin around the anus. Decrease straining with bowel movements. Increase fiber in the diet with supplements such as Metamucil or foods such as prunes. Avoid sitting on the toilet too long. Apply ice packs to the affected area to decrease pain."




American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons ASCRS Home Page...
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons is the leading professional society representing more than 1000 board certified Colon and Rectal surgeons and other surgeons dedicated to advancing ...
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