Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Faced with a New Diagnosis? 10 tips to be your own best advocate, Martine Ehrenclou, @Med_writer #nurseup

Faced with a New Diagnosis? 10 tips to be your own best advocate, +Martine Ehrenclou, @Med_writer:"You’re sitting in your physician’s exam room, clothed in a gown. Your test results are in and you are about to discuss them with your doctor.  You’ve had symptoms that prompted those tests and worst-case scenarios are flooring the accelerator on your fears. Your doctor walks in and greets you with a smile and asks how you are, a question you’d be happy to answer after she discloses the results.

Your physician introduces a diagnosis that requires treatment, perhaps a few more tests or even a procedure. While your thoughts are tripping over the medical information, the image of your kids at school comes to mind along with the question, “Who will pick them up if I’m undergoing treatment?” You’re now ten steps ahead of the doctor, plotting what to do next. Should you surrender and simply let the doctor handle everything? Not exactly."
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