Monday, June 27, 2022

US Will "Continue To Provide Seamless Access" To Abortion In Military, June 26, 2002: Defense Secretary:"Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a statement suggesting that the Defense Department intends to maintain the military’s access to abortion."

#Abortion #RoeVWade #AbortionAccess #Military #LloydAustin #Pregnancy 

Monday, June 20, 2022

 Why Food Inflation Is Only Getting Started, June 17, 2022:"The US has just experienced an 8.8% increase in food prices. The problem (and there are many, actually) is that this doesn’t take into account the spiraling costs farmers are now experiencing.

It’s worth remembering that because farmers pay upfront and only recoup their expenses at the point of sale/harvest months later, all the opex they’ve experienced has a lag.

This lag is dependent on produce but certainly, we’re looking at a tsunami of food inflation 12 to 18 months out."

#Inflation #FoodInflation #Economy #Diesel #Fertilizer #Farming #Farmers #Agriculture

Sunday, June 19, 2022

 Here's 18 Signs That The Economic Meltdown We've Been Waiting For Has Already Begun, June 17, 2022:"In all my years of writing, I have never seen more economic pessimism than I am seeing right now.  Over the past couple of months there has been a monumental shift in public sentiment, and now just about everyone realizes that we are heading into very troubled economic times.  Of course there were still a few economic optimists that were searching for a ray of hope, but the Federal Reserve left no room for optimism when it announced the largest interest rate hike in 28 years on Wednesday.  When the Fed aggressively raised rates in the early 1980s, it resulted in one of the most painful recessions in American history.  Unfortunately, many believe that what is ahead of us is going to be even worse."

#Economy #Recession #RealEstate #StockMarket #Housing #Inflation #InterestRates #NurseUp

Saturday, June 18, 2022

 The Biden Administration's Ignorant Energy Policies: Higher Gas Prices Are Only the Beginning, 6/16/2022:"Actually, that our politicians would think despite all the evidence before them, that somehow, we can wave a magic wand and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by a factor of 20 when we don't have enough lithium, nickel or cobalt to even support the current growth trajectory. It's just crazy. Where's the diesel going to come from to mine all the cobalt and nickel and lithium that we're going to need?"

#JoeBiden #EnergyPolicy #Mises #GasPrices #RenewableEnergy #EnergyPolicy

New Reuters Survey Finds That Trust In Mainstream News Is Rapidly Declining, June 18, 2022:"It probably does not come as much of a surprise to most people today, but it is now confirmed by the mainstream media's own surveys - They are rapidly losing their audience and their influence.

The Reuters Institute For The Study Of Journalism runs a yearly project designed to gauge public perceptions of media, specifically corporate media, and how much trust the MSM has garnered.  Spoiler Alert:  They haven't garnered any.  In fact, over the course of the past two years establishment journalists have alienated a large portion of the general public."

#MSM #MainstreamMedia #Reuters #Trust #Credibility #Distrust #Propaganda #Lies #MediaLies #NurseUp

Maher: Biden Tried to Get off Fossil Fuels without a Replacement, and Now We’re Begging the Saudis for Oil, June 18, 2022:"On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that when people try to get off fossil fuels before there is a replacement ready, “they wind up going back to even worse fossil fuels.” And that this has happened in the United States and President Joe Biden going to Saudi Arabia “hat in hand, begging them for oil” after vowing to reduce oil drilling is an example of that.

#JoeBiden #Oil #Gas #FossilFuels #OPEC #EnergyPolicy #NurseUp #GasPrices #Gasoline

Friday, June 17, 2022

 The Real Deadpool: America's Drought Is Worse Than You Think, June 14, 2022:"We were foolish enough to believe we could water the entire southwestern U.S. with the Colorado River. Nothing could go wrong. Now it has, and tens of millions of people are staring down the barrel of real trouble.

As much as 75% of the water from Lake Mead (fed by the Colorado River) goes to agriculture…so now we have a potential food production problem. Major cities like Las Vegas depend on that water for its citizens…now we have a potential personal survival problem for local residents."

#WaterShortage #WaterRationing #Agriculture #ColoradoRiver #Drought #NurseUp

Thursday, June 16, 2022

 MSN Quietly Deleted a Story Revealing That Severe COVID-19 is Rarely Found in the Unvaccinated., June 16, 2022:"A research paper found that people who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine had a lower rate of suffering a severe case of the virus amidst the pandemic."

#Covid #Covid19 #Covid19Vaccines #Covid19Boosters #AnthonyFauci #RandPaul #NurseUp

 Fauci admits 'not enough data' to show recommended boosters for 5-year-olds work:"Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted Thursday that even though the Biden administration recommends that everyone over the age of 5 gets a booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, there is currently insufficient evidence to prove that the boosters actually lower rates of hospitalization or death in children.

During a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., asked Fauci if he was aware of any studies that showed a reduction in deaths or hospitalizations for children who had received boosters."

#Covid #Covid19 #Covid19Vaccines #Covid19Boosters #AnthonyFauci #RandPaul #NurseUp

 Federal court rules against Biden administration on illegal immigration again, Jun 12, 2022:"“The Biden Administration is refusing to take custody of criminal aliens despite federal statutes requiring it to do so. Instead, Defendants have issued and implemented unlawful agency memoranda that allow criminal aliens already convicted of felony offenses to roam free in the United States. Such aliens belong in federal custody, as Congress required,” they maintain."

#JoeBiden #IllegalAliens #CriminalAliens #Immigration #OpenBorders #NurseUp