Beth Boynton, RN, MS Consulting Services:”Beth Boynton, RN, MS, Nurse Consultant & Author of award-winning book, “Confident Voices: The Nurses’ Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces”. Speaker, trainer, coach, and writer specializing in teaching nurses positive communication and collaboration skills, emotional intelligence, group dynamics & leadership. Workshops and Speaking “Whole Systems’ work for culture change.Facilitation of small group process work/teambuilding. Coaching Nurse Managers & leaders Change Agent work in preparing staff for culture change initiatives. P.O. Box 192 Portsmouth, NH 03802-0192
Confident Voices: The Nurses’ Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces [Paperback]:”Nurses Teachers Administrators Human Resources Consultants Students Confident Voices gets directly to the heart of many distressing problems that nurses face and seek to change. Combining stories, facts, experience, and theories, the author presents compelling insights into root causes of medical errors, staffing shortages and workplace violence. Boynton sets the stage for understanding underlying issues and then teaches us how to build healthy work relationships and workplaces. Nurses have enormous potential to transform healthcare. This book transforms that potential into real problem-solving power!” Beth Boynton RN MS
Rhonda K. Alfredson RN CLNC CRRN CCM COHN, Georgia Legal Nurse Consultants:”Discovery Partners provides a multitude of comprehensive nurse consulting services to attorneys, small and large businesses, and insurance companies. Services include Legal Nurse Consulting (med. mal, PI, WC, toxic torts, fraud, soc. security, PL, criminal, gen. negligence) , Disability and Workers’ Compensation Case Management, Hearing Conservation Program Consultation and Administration, Ergonomics Consultations, Occupational Health Services Consultation, Medical/Health Related Educational offerings, as well as other consultative and support services.” P.O. Box 555 Conyers, Georgia 30012 Phone number: 770-602-4531
Karon White Gibson RN, CCM, AmericaNurse, Ltd, Illinois Nursing Entrepreneurs:”AmericaNurse now provides consulting to major motion pictures and commercials. We also produce educational television shows on health, safety, alternative medicine and healthy innovate products and positive solutions in health care. We previously provided staffing and home care and occupational health.” AmericaNurse, Ltd, Street Address: PO box 7717 Romeoville, Ilinois 60446 E-mail Address: Facebook: LinkedIn: Books: Nurses On Our Own, Karon White Gibson RN, Joy Smith Catterson RN and Patricia SkalkaTelevision: Outspoken With Karon, Archived Broadcasts: Karon Gibson RN interviewed by Dr. Kathleen Sandman BS DC,
See also:
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN):”In its 60th year, AAOHN’s vision is that work and community environments will be healthy and safe. Through this vision, AAOHN is dedicated to advancing and maximizing the health, safety and productivity of domestic and global workforces by providing education, research, public policy and practice resources for occupational and environmental health nurses. These nurses are the largest group of health care providers serving the worksite.” American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. 2920 Brandywine Rd. • Suite 100 • Atlanta, GA 30341 (770) 455-7757 • Fax (770) 455-7271 •
North Carolina Association of Occupational Health Nurses:”The North Carolina Association of Occupational Health Nurses is an organization of approximately 650 nurses who practice occupational health nursing. This group of professionals work together with the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses (AAOHN) to promote and advance the field of occupational health nursing. When you join AAOHN, you are also a member of NCAOHN. The state association is composed of 7 local chapters throughout the state.”
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM):”Founded in 1916, ACOEM is the nation’s largest medical society dedicated to promoting the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, research, and education. A dynamic group of physicians encompassing specialists in a variety of medical practices is united via the College to develop positions and policies on vital issues relevant to the practice of preventive medicine both within and outside of the workplace. The College is composed of 31 component societies in the United States and Canada, whose members hold scientific meetings and network on a regular basis. ACOEM co-sponsors the annual American Occupational Health Conference, the nation’s largest conference of its kind, each spring with the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. Each fall, the College conducts the State-of-the-Art Conference.” American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) 1114 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, Illinois, 60004-4770 Telephone: 847/818-1800, Fax: 847/818-9266
Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare, Inc.:”Nationally recognized as the organization for all occupational health professionals from many disciplines who are involved in the occupational health of healthcare workers. The organization will meet the educational needs by promoting educational and professional growth opportunities for members who will deliver outstanding occupational health services to healthcare organizations. AOHP will continue to be well positioned for continued growth and will be recognized as the definitive source of information in the field of occupational health in healthcare settings.” Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare, Inc. 109 VIP Drive, Suite 220, Wexford, PA 15090 (630) 789-5799, toll free at (888) 842-2646
Canadian Occupational Health Nurses Association (COHNA):”Occupational Health Nurses practice in the specialty of Occupational Health and Safety, delivering integrated occupational health and safety services to individual workers and worker populations. Occupational health nursing encompasses the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health and the prevention of illness and injury. In Canada, Occupational Health Nurses are registered nurses holding a diploma or degree in nursing as well as a variety of additional qualifications and experience. Occupational Health Nurses may also have a certificate, diploma or degree in Occupational Health and Safety from a community college or university. Nurses who are certified in occupational health nursing have met specific eligibility requirements, passed a written exam and have met a national standard of competency in Occupational Health. In Canada, expertise unique to this speciality is recognized with the initials COHN(C), granted by the Canadian Nurses Association. The initials COHN or COHN(S) recognize US certification. These are marks of distinction for occupational health nursing excellence.”
See also: Degree Programs:
Occupational Health Program, Harvard School of Public Health:”The program in Occupational Health Nursing provides nurse practitioners with expertise in occupational safety and health, research methodology, and advanced practice nursing. Students are prepared to assess and treat primary care problems while focusing on the health care of workers. Emphasis is placed on identification of health hazards, workplace assessment, program planning and intervention, worker health promotion, and disease and injury prevention. The program is offered in collaboration with neighboring institution Simmons College. Fall and part-time study is available.” Harvard Education and Research Center, Harvard School of Public Health Occupational Health Program, Room 1-1402 665 Huntington Ave. Boston, Massachusetts 02115 E-mail:
Occupational/Environmental Health Nursing, Masters Specialty Area, University of California @ San Francisco:”The Advanced Practice Occupational and Environmental Health Nurse. Every year nearly 56,000 U.S. workers die due to a workplace injury or work-related illness; more than three million suffer disabling, work-related injuries. Advanced practice occupational and environmental health nurses help manage and prevent these injuries and illnesses.” Marion Gillen, PhD, RN 2 Koret Way, #N-531D, San Francisco, CA 94143-0608 Telephone: 415-476-1382, Email:
COHSE – The Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, University of Michigan:”Occupational health nursing involves the application of nursing theory and practice to the health of people in the workplace and community. This practice has evolved into a very important subspecialty; after all, the workplace is where adults spend the majority of their days, making it an ideal location for promoting adult health. In addition, the workforce experiences a significant amount of exposure to potential illness and injury while on the job. Helping workers and management practice illness and disability prevention, as well as health promotion, at their places of work promises great rewards. The Occupational Health Nursing (OHN) Master’s Degree option is a track in the Community Health Nursing Program. This program is offered in conjunction with the NIOSH-supported Educational Resource Center and the University of Michigan Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering. Nursing students participate in courses and other interdisciplinary learning experiences with occupational health students in programs offered through the Center, including. . .” COHSE – The Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering The University of Michigan 109 South Observatory Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
See also: National/International Government Agencies:
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety:”The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is a Canadian federal government agency based in Hamilton, Ontario, which serves to support the vision of eliminating all Canadian work-related illnesses and injuries. Established in 1978, CCOHS is a federal departmental corporation reporting to the Parliament of Canada through the federal Minister of Labour. The Centre is governed by a Council representing three key stakeholder groups: government (federal, provincial and territorial), employers, and workers – a structure that mandates the CCOHS’ impartial approach to information dissemination.” Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 135 Hunter Street East Hamilton, ON, Canada L8N 1M5 1-800-668-4284 (toll-free in Canada and USA), 1-905-570-8094, 1-905-572-2206 (FAX) General Requests: clientservices@ccohs.ca
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH):”IOSH, Europe’s leading body for health and safety professionals, represents 26,000 members in over fifty countries worldwide. IOSH was officially incorporated by Royal Charter on 1 April 2003. This is accompanied by a set of Byelaws approved by the Privy Council and which all members have to observe. All categories of membership are bound by the Code of Professional Conduct.” IOSH The Grange, Highfield Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1NN, UK. t +44 (0)116 257 3100, f +44 (0)116 257 3101
International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS):”This Network is the product of the ongoing co-operation of the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) and its National and Collaborating Centres all over the world. The goal of this Network is to help its members and the rest of the world to find information from the participating countries on subjects related to occupational safety and health (OSH).” International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) International Labour Office, ILO-CIS 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Telephone: +41.22.799.6740 Telefax: +41.22.799.8516 E-mail:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):”The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is the federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. NIOSH is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services.” 1-800-35-NIOSH (1-800-356-4674), Outside the U.S. 513-533-8328
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA):”OSHA’s mission is to ensure safe and healthful workplaces in America. Since the agency was created in 1971, workplace fatalities have been cut in half and occupational injury and illness rates have declined 40 percent. At the same time, U.S. employment has doubled from 56 million workers at 3.5 million worksites to 111 million workers at 7 million sites. OSHA began Fiscal Year 2003 with a staff of 2,303 including 1,123 inspectors. The agency’s budget request is $454 million. Under the Bush Administration, OSHA is focusing on three strategies: 1) strong, fair, and effective enforcement; 2) outreach, education, and compliance assistance; and 3) partnerships and voluntary programs.” Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210 1-800-321-OSHA (6742)… TTY 1-877-889-5627
See also: State Government Agencies:
Behavioural”Behavioural safety provides you with a way of reducing lost-time injuries, through the analysis of your current environment, and the implementation of proven performance management methods. Many behavioural safety implementations have resulted in dramatic reductions in the number of lost-time and minor injuries. On this site there is a vast amount of information which may answer specific questions about behavioral safety that you may have. Use the links to the left to navigate the features we provide. An ideal place to look is the Guides page, which has a number of documents online.”
SafetyInfo, Inc.:”SafetyInfo is your online library of safety resources for you to use in establishing, upgrading and maintaining an effective company safety program. When you subscribe you may use any and all of the 5000 print & edit pages for improving your internal company safety programs. To use, simply save the pages you need, when you need them, and then edit with your word processor to make them fully applicable to your company. 90% of the work has been done for you.” SafetyInfo, Inc. PO Box 477 Guntersville, AL 35976 Member & Site Services (877) 906-5088, e-Fax Number (419) 730-0535,
UK Occupational Health Nursing:”Hello and a very warm welcome to the UKOHN web site. The site has been in existence since September 2001 and I believe was the first created by a nurse who works in the UK Occupational Health Nursing environment. The AAOHN inspired me to create this site for OH and allied professionals. To see the contents and navigate the site please click on the site map icon or text Initially, this site was created for my own use and was built around resources needed for health promotion at work. Since then it has evolved and aims to provide facilities and resources not only for Professionals but a wider audience such as workers, Union and Safety Representatives, Health & Safety Officers and managers.”