Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Beth Boynton, RN, MS, @BethBoynton: What Attracted You To The Field of Nursing?
"Well in all honesty, I was in my late 20s when I went to nursing school. I had been interested in a variety of medical professions and already had a BS in Biochemistry. A friend of mine's mother, an RN talked with me at length about what she loved about nursing, the practical lure of lots of job opportunities, and my own interest combined led me to applying to an ADN program. I was kind of drifting with teaching high school science and working on hazardous waste field projects and looking for lab jobs that I didn't really want. I got in and from the very first class realized that the nursing profession was way more challenging and exciting than I realized. It is funny that I minored in "Theatre and Communication" with my biochem degree and now have come to this exciting work in Medical Improv. It's all related in sometimes mysterious ways! Thanks for asking."
Beth Boynton, RN, MS Consulting Services:"Beth Boynton, RN, MS, Nurse Consultant & Author of award-winning book, "Confident Voices: The Nurses' Guide to Improving Communication & Creating Positive Workplaces". Speaker, trainer, coach, and writer specializing in teaching nurses positive communication and collaboration skills, emotional intelligence, group dynamics & leadership.
Workshops and Speaking
"Whole Systems' work for culture change.
Facilitation of small group process work/teambuilding.
Coaching Nurse Managers & leaders
Change Agent work in preparing staff for culture change initiatives.
P.O. Box 192
Portsmouth, NH 03802-0192
E-mail Address:
Social Media Twitter:!/BethBoynton
Homepage Address:
Discover! "Unconventional Nurse: Going from Burnout to Bliss" Michelle Podlesni, RN @MPodlesni
Discover Martine Ehrenclou, @Med_Writer, Author of "The Take Charge-Patient"
Power Strategies For Nurses:"Do your nursing shifts feel like you’re running full speed ahead on a treadmill that you just can’t stop?
Did you know? Our team of nurses has been researching, indexing healthcare resources for over a decade? If you have questions, need resources, stop here first and search our index. If we don't have it, ask us
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Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly National Directories
38 Tattersall Drive
West Deptford, New Jersey 08051
856-415-9617, Fax: 856-415-9618,, @nursefriendly
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Anya Clowers, RN, @JetWithKids - #OrganizedWisdom Profile, Did You Know? #hcsm #nursing #nurses #parenting #parent #Travel
Anya Clowers, RN
Nominated Expert
Profile not yet claimed Consultant, International Speaker, Travel Expert: Connect people... w Products Worth Packing. Life & Travel are only as good as u feel! Am also @JetWithKids. Learn More
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- Are you Anya Clowers, RN? Claim or remove your profile
This is an open letter to Organized Wisdom, and more specifically to Anya Clowers, RN, @JetWithKids and other nurses who have been "profiled" without their knowledge.
Anya, you've spent a great deal of time and energy growing your business, building your brand, establishing yourself as an expert in Pediatric Travel. Did you know Organized Wisdom is looking to profit from your name, reputation and would like to keep you in the dark as long as possible? Like you, I was profiled on Organized Wisdom and my tweets being "harvested" and added to their index. When displayed in their index, my name, my photo and drug advertising were displayed prominently. Same with yours. So, a few questions. 1. Did you know you were profiled on Organized Wisdom? Most nurses (and doctors) contacted do not. 2. Do you consent to your name/likeness being used to promote their site? Are you OK with them selling you as an "expert" 3. Do you consent to your tweet streams, being harvested, unfiltered and added to an organization that chiefly sells drug advertising? It implies your endorsement. 4. Did you know, once submitted, your favorite sites are copied, plagiarized and their copyrights infringed upon. 5. Did you know, that as a "curator" you receive no compensation, even though Organized Wisdom makes money hand over fist from drug advertising. Can you say exploitation? ********************************************************** A discussion of the business practices we object to can be found here: OrganizedWisdom's Twitter Hashtag HONcode violations can be reported here if you feel you're being exploited: I'll be happy to answer any questions as well. Andrew Lopez, RN @andrewlopezRN, 856-415-9617--
For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
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Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Nurses on LinkedIN, Social Networks, Social Media,, Nursefriendly Nursing & Healthcare Directories
See also: Facebook Nurses New!
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC, Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR):"Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR) provides medical-legal Litigation Support Services for Legal Professionals that include Legal Nurse Consulting, Paralegal Litigation Support, a Medical Information Service called Virtual Legal Nurse and Medical Expert Referral Service for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Hospital Risk Managers, Government, and Claims Management. MLR MLR's Paralegal Staff and Legal Nurse work together as a team to assist our legal clients with comprehensive medical-legal litigation issues and are committed to serve clients by offering our extensive experience and expertise to provide specialized high quality medical-legal litigation support services. By utilizing Medical-Legal Remedies Inc Paralegal/Legal Nurse Team allows the litigator to control costs and increase revenues while securing the competitive advantage with superior work products. So whether your firm or company needs a Paralegal, a Legal Nurse, or both - MLR will assist your firm or company with any medical-legal litigation case project."
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC
14286-19 Beach Blvd. #248
Jacksonville, FL 32250
(904) 223-3969 or
Janice M. Hansen, RN, BSN, CLNC, National Nurse Consulting (NNC):"National Nurse Consulting (NNC) solely contracts with CLNCs® who are currently active in the medical field and up to date on the most important and clinically relevant landmark research, practice-changing recommendations, professional society standards, and medical standards of practice. NNC is at the forefront of providing its clients high quality, cost-effective, and timely solutions for their medico-legal needs."
National Nurse Consulting
Main Office Mailing Address:
2025 S. Indiana, Ste 502
Chicago, IL 60616
Email: OR
Telephone: (213) 399-7838
Fax: (773) 770-6708
Alicia Sable Hunt, Founder & President of Sable's Foods, @SablesFoods Connecticut:""As a Registered Nurse, it is my role to collaborate with the healthcare team to educate the patient and provide them with the skills they need to travel the cancer journey. After years of working with cancer patients, I decided to develop a handcrafted bar focusing on their nutritional, taste and texture needs. I am proud to offer my bars to the cancer population as part of a nutritionally balanced diet." – Sable, RN and Founder"
"Nutritious Foods Created For The Cancer Community. Founded, owned & run by an Oncology Nurse."
Sable-Hunt, LLC dba Sable's Foods
111 Saugatuck Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
877.21SABLE (877.217.2253)
The Best Defense Is a Good Documentation Offense,"After completion of The Best Defense Is A Good Documentation Offense, the participant will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of documentation as a health care provider.
2. Identify the basic information that is required when documenting in the medical record.
3. Describe those particular issues that require documentation in the medical record.
4. Discuss the emerging documentation concerns regarding the faxing and computerization of records.
5. Determine documentation Do's and Don'ts."
201 Webster Building
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
Phone: 1-302-477-9730
Toll Free: 1-888-658-6641 (inside the U.S.)
Fax: 1-302-477-9744
Better Business Bureau:
Merchant Circle:
Twitter:!/corexcel Charting, Documentation, Nurses Notes, Continuing Education, Delaware Businesses, Delaware Nursing Resources, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
Liz Buddenhagen - Principal, Buddenhagen & Associates:"Liz Buddenhagen, RN, CLNC, reviews OB/GYN cases. Buddenhagen has recent experience working clinically on a gynecology and urology medical surgical hospital unit. Patient populations included women with ectopic pregnancies, threatened abortions, fetal demise, pregnant women with kidney stones and other medical surgical issues, vaginal and abdominal hysterectomies, pregnant women with hyperemesis, pelvic inflammatory disease and many other OB/GYN issues that required working with the labor and delivery, neonatal ICU and maternity or family care units as well as the emergency room, operating room and post anesthesia recovery.
In the past Buddenhagen has worked in a neonatal intensive care (NICU) providing direct care to neonates and their families, attending high risk vaginal deliveries and C-sections to include care of the infant and coordination with the labor and delivery and maternity/family care nurses and doctors."
Buddenhagen & Associates, Atlanta Legal Nurse Consultant
Phone: 770-725-2997 - Email:
Fax: 770-725-4037
112 Woodbrook Avenue, Bogart, Georgia 30622-1538
Wordpress Blog: Nurses, Social Networks, Social Media,
Kathy Christopherson, RN, President and CEO, Critical Consults, Inc.:"Kathy Christopherson, RN, President and CEO, has been a practicing Registered Nurse for over 26 years and a Legal Nurse Consultant for over 13 years. Her clinical experience includes critical care/intensive care, emergency department, cardiac rehabilitation and nursing education. She remains active in teaching nurses and patient care technicians in the hospital setting and participates in orientation of new staff, credentialing and is an Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Life Support (CPR) instructor. As a Legal Nurse Consultant, Kathy has been both an independent consultant and an in-house consultant, working for both plaintiff and defense attorneys throughout the southeast. She has been an expert witness on nursing issues as well as a fact witness for the medical record. She provides services to assist the attorney See List of Consulting Services. Kathy also provides valuable medical library and online literature research."
Greater Atlanta Area Christopherson, RN, Bryan M. Pulliam, LLC:"Ms. Christopherson has over 23 years of nursing and hospital experience. She has worked in the areas of critical care, rehabilitation and nursing education. Ms. Christopherson has been doing legal consulting for lawyers–both plaintiff and defense–for more than 10 years. Ms. Christopherson has also served as an expert witness for both plaintiff and defense lawyers. Ms. Christopherson is also a member of The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants." Christopherson, RN, Linked-In Profile
Angela Crumpton's Summary,"I have been a registered nurse for ten years. I have medical surgical experience for three years, postpartum experience for seven years, and labor and delivery experience . I am currently at University of Detroit Mercy pursuing my bachelors degree."******************************************************
Andra DeCarlo, RN, Summit Medical Litigation Consulting, Inc.:"Andra DeCarlo, owner of Summit Medical Litigation Consulting and her team of nurses provide Legal Nurse Consulting for both defense and plaintiff attorneys looking for a clear explanation of what actually happened with the client. Is there a case? Is there a defense? We specialize in looking outside-the-box to help find the key to the case. Nursing home neglegance, PI, Medical Malpractice and more."
1586 El Tair Trail
Clearwater, FL, 33765
E-mail Address: andradecarlo@tampabay.rr.comSocial Networks:, Facebook,, LinkedIn, Twitter or******************************************************
Jennifer A. Grisso, RN BSN LNC, GrissoMedLegal:"Experienced RN with recent experience in most areas including: Telemetry, Cardiac, CCU, Stepdown, MedSurg, ER, ICU, Ambulatory, Telephonic Triage, Telephonic Disease Management. We bridge the legal and medical world. We are involved in any type of litigation that involves injury or illness, to save you time and money on the medical record, research, chronology. Also we help you prepare for depositions, mediation, or trial, all at a lower cost than other medical professionals."
Jennifer A. Grisso, RN BSN LNC
8640 Springfield
Skokie, IL, 60076
Phone: 847-204-2084
Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP,"A resource network for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. We provide links to disability related organizations, mentors, employment opportunities, financial aid, continuing education, books, equipment, legal issues, research, related articles as well as support and career counseling.
13019 Coastal Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
Phone number: (561) 627-9872
Katie Morales, RN, C, LNC, BSN, DisceRNment, LLC:"Why Choose DisceRNment, LLC? As we enter our fifth year serving Georgia's legal community, DisceRNment, LLC thanks you for helping us grow into your Southeast legal nurse consulting choice. DisceRNment, LLC saves attorneys time, money, and effort."
P.O. Box 2002
Ellijay, Ga. 30540
706 636 5276 (Phone)
706 889 2915 (cell)
Email Info@DisceRNment.Biz
Youtube: Georgia Legal Nurse Consultants, Georgia Nurse Entrepreneurs, Georgia Nurses
*****************************************************, Barbara Phillips, NP:"The NPBO is a private, members-only, resource website that gives you direct, searchable access to a wealth of information about exploring, starting, or growing your own practice or business. As a member, you'll receive 365 days of uninterrupted, 24-hour access to the Member-Only Area of our site."
NP Choice, LLC
1018 E. Wishkah, #216
Aberdeen, WA 98520
PHONE: 1-800-560-6473
http://www.nursepractitionerbusinessowner.comFollow on: Career Alternatives For Nurses
Coaching (Personal and Professional)
Franchise Opportunities For Nurses
Nurse Practitioner NP Owned BusinessesNurse Practitioners
Washington State, Nursing Entrepreneurs
Washington State Nurses******************************************************
Barbara Phillips, NP,"The NPBO is a private, members-only, resource website that gives you direct, searchable access to a wealth of information about exploring, starting, or growing your own practice or business. As a member, you'll receive 365 days of uninterrupted, 24-hour access to the Member-Only Area of our site."
NP Choice, LLC
1018 E. Wishkah, #216
Aberdeen, WA 98520
PHONE: 1-800-560-6473
http://www.nursepractitionerbusinessowner.comFollow on: Career Alternatives For Nurses
Coaching (Personal and Professional)
Franchise Opportunities For Nurses
Nurse Practitioner NP Owned BusinessesNurse Practitioners
Washington State, Nursing Entrepreneurs
Washington State Nurses******************************************************
Larry Snyder, BA, RN, DBA, RN.ORG, SA, Nursing Continuing Education Providers:"Larry Snyder, RN is the Founder and President of RN.ORG®, SA. As a licensed healthcare professional with over 15 years of experience in nursing as well as a computer authority with in-excess of 20 years of experience, he is knowledgeable with the integration of healthcare and computers and sees a strong need for licensed professionals to maintain their license in an easy, convenient, comfortable no stress environment. Larry has worked in various aspects of nursing in many states in both large and small hospitals and has the experience and background to make healthcare and nursing education friendly. Larry also functioned as a consulant at large corporations in various aspects of IT management including CBS Sports,,, Universal Studios, Nickelodeon, Viacom, Flexsys and Monsanto. Larry also has served as an expert witness on several high profile cases throughout the United States sharing his valuable input as an experienced Emergency Room nurse."
Latin America Office (Corporate Offices)
Larry Snyder - RN.ORG®, SA
CR 15A # 10A-03
El Poblado, Medellin, Colombia
Hospital Sales (English) USA: 1-954-369-4556
Hospital Sales (EspaƱol - E.E.U.U): 1-860-786-1866
E-mail Address:
Blogs, Social Media (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, etc):
Phone number: 954-369-4556
Website: Emergency Department Nursing, Nursing Continuing Education, Nursing Education
See also:
AgingInfoUSA:"Sue Salach-Cutler has worked in the geriatric healthcare field for close to 20 years and is the Author of "Along Comes Grandpa", a caregiving resource guide, and the novel "If I Walked in Her Shoes" ( As a National Speaker, Sue utilizes her personal and professional experiences to educate and empower professionals on the work/life affects of caregiving. ;As CEO of AgingInfoUSA she partners with companies to evaluate the cost of employee caregiving on their bottom line and implement cost effective solutions. Sue was the 2010 recipient of the YWCA Marguerite Henry Leadership Award for Communications/Technology and the Influential Women in Business Award from the Business Ledger and NAWBO. AgingInfoUSA received the 2010 Excellence in Business Award from the Business Ledger and was nominated for the Chicago Innovation Award."
651 S. Sutton Road - Suite 204
Streamwood, IL 60107
call: 847-630-0381
fax: 630-889-9886
Youtube: Care Givers, Facebook/, Geriatric Resources, Geriatric Nurses, LinkedIn, Long Term Care (LTC), Twitter, Youtube
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet Street Address of this page is
Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Monday, May 10, 2010
This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health DirectoriesWe are Incorporated in The State of New Jersey, under the name:
Nursefriendly, Inc.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua, New Jersey (NJ) 08051
Our Phone #: 856-415-9617We are a proud member of The National Nurses in Business Association,
This website Is © Copyright 1997 - 2011, Andrew Lopez, RN, Nursefriendly, Inc. Please contact us for permission to reproduce.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders, and are not owned or affiliated with Nursefriendly, Inc. or any of it's affiliated companies.
Click on the "via" link for the rest of the article.
For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
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Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Friday, April 22, 2011
Ohio Legal Nurse Consultants, Medical, Legal, Malpractice Negligence Resources
Angela Halley RN, BSN, CLNC, River View Legal Nurse Consulting:"We specialize in providing legal nurse consulting services to attorneys (plaintiff and defense), insurance companies, workman's compensation firms, and individual institutions for risk management services. Our firm has over 20 years of nursing experience in psychiatric, labor and delivery, pulmonary, neurology, medical/surgical nursing, and many areas of nursing management. River View Legal Nurse Consultants provides a time efficient and cost effective answer to your legal nurse consulting needs."
64 Deenie Dr
Bidwell, Ohio 45614
Phone number: 740-245-9891, Fax number: 740-245-0153
Theresa Lawson, RN, BSN, CLNC, Ohio NICU Med/Surg******************************************************
Michelle M.Thornton, RN, M-D & Associates, Legal Nurse Consulting Services:
Phone number: 5139212450******************************************************
Anesthesia Medical Review (AMR), Rosalie A. Richards, CRNA, LNC:"Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist since 1984, Legal Nurse Consultant since 1997, Two years experience as an RN in the ICU and Recovery Room prior to anesthesia, Clinical experience as a CRNA in a large inner city level 1 trauma and level 3 neonatal/pediatric center, Clinical instructor of CRNA students from Wayne State Michigan program."
15 Callander Court Perrysburg, OH 43551
Phone: 419-872-3613 Fax: 419-873-1290 E-mail:******************************************************
Compliance Care:"Compliance Care is committed to providing clients with the highest caliber of consulting services while maintaining the utmost professionalism at all times. We have the diligence and expertise to assist you in the handling of your case from inception through settlement, or trial, if necessary. We are experts in providing medical and legal consultation in nursing home liability, medical malpractice, personal injury, workers' compensation, product liability, toxic torts, case management, risk management, and health and disability insurance. Compliance Care provides a wide range of medical and legal services involving nursing medical issues."
Marsha Hall, RN,C
Compliance Care
3355 Creek Rd. | Stockport | OH | 43787
Phone 740-749-1373 | Fax 740-749-1541******************************************************
Owens Consulting Services:"Nurses and legal nurse consultants in all medical specialties with emphasis in medical/surgical, post-operative, home care and long-term care."
Owens Consulting Services
Medical-Legal Research & Consulting
2133 Campus Road Beachwood, OH 44122
Tel 216-382-4221 Fax 216-691-8929******************************************************
Ohio Nurse Attorneys:
LaTonia Denise Wright, R.N., B.S.N.,J.D. Attorney at Law and Healthcare Consultant:"We provide cost-effective legal representation to nurses, physicians, physical therapists, social workers, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, dentists, occupational therapists, and other health care professionals before professional licensing boards in Ohio and Kentucky. We also provide representation to healthcare professionals in workplace disputes."
Law Office of LaTonia Denise Wright,RN, LLC. The Healthcare Risk Aversion Group, LLC.
1211 Thomas Court Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
513-771-7266 (office) 513-771-0673 (fax)******************************************************
******************************************************Please Choose From The Following:
Are you looking for new clients? Learn how to Increase your client base today! Associations (AALNC and others) Medical and Legal Resources Register Online For This Directory Today! Do you need to talk to a Legal Nurse Consultant, Expert Witness? Would you like to get paid for giving advice as one? Visit Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing Experts Online Today! Nurse Paralegals Please Choose from the following states:
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Article Index:
- Domestic Violence
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- Health Care Policy, Legal Nurse Consultants, Law Resources
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- Medical Malpractice, Negligence
- Personal Injury
- Professional Medical Record Review
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)
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- Toxic Tort Litigation
- Workers compensation
The 10 Biggest Mistakes Experts Make During Depositions:"The discovery depositions of expert witnesses are increasingly playing an important role in the litigation process. Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26 (4) A: “A party may depose any person who has been identified as an expert whose opinions may be presented at trial.” With this in mind, we turn to the ten biggest mistakes experts make during their depositions. #1 – Waiving The Reading of Signing Of The Deposition Transcript At the start of most depositions, counsel will agree on stipulations. Use of the most common stipulation is that the deponent waives the right to read and sign the deposition transcript. The expert who is interested in accuracy should not agree to this waiver lightly. Experts who agree to waive the reading and signing are agreeing to a document’s accuracy without even seeing the document."
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make in Writing Their IME Reports:"The Independent Medical Evaluation (IME) reports that physicians prepare are playing an increasingly important role in workers' compensation cases, personal injury litigation, and long-term disability claims. Each year physicians prepare hundreds of thousands of IME reports which are read and utilized by judges, hearing officers, and plaintiff and defense attorneys to decide and settle claims. Physicians are frequently called upon at depositions, hearings, or trials to support, justify, and defend each and every word of their IME reports. With this in mind, we turn to the 10 biggest mistakes physicians make in writing their IME reports."
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304 on Answering Questions at Depositions:"Avoid Absolute Words You are well advised to avoid, where possible, absolute words such as "always" and "never." Absolute words are frequently an invitation to, and fertile grounds for, cross-examination by counsel. Counsel will attempt to damage your credibility by first getting you to make an absolute statement. She will then use counterexamples in an effort to show the falsity of your statement.
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304 with the Jury:"In jury trials, the jury ultimately decides the case. Their job is to determine the facts of the case. A crucial part of this is determining the credibility of the witnesses. This includes expert witnesses. As such, it is of the highest importance that experts are able to communicate with the jury in a credible and persuasive way. Everything else is secondary. To connect with the jury, an expert needs to understand what juries want and know the best ways to communicate with them."
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304 and Bases for Opinions,"The main reason expert testimony is presented is to offer an expert opinion. Accordingly, experts can anticipate being closely cross-examined on their opinions. They should also expect to be closely questioned on the bases of these opinions because an expert opinion is only as strong as the facts and reasoning upon which it is based. Questions in these areas are best blunted by carefully and honestly forming an opinion that is based on reliable methodology, a thorough investigation, and solid facts."
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304 Opinions and Conclusions in a Defensible Manner:"The main reason an expert is involved in a case is to state her opinion. The principal reason an expert writes a report is to communicate that opinion. The opinion must be communicated effectively and must be expressed in a defensible manner. The authors recommend the following.
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304
Expert Witness Journal,"SEAK has published the Expert Witness Journal since 1988. Available online are all 1998 EWJ feature articles, arranged alphabetically by title. Also available are each of the federal and state cases collected by EWJ impacting expert witnesses."
SEAK, Inc.
P.O. Box 729, Falmouth, MA 02541 Courier: 316 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540
Customer Service (508) 548-7023, Orders (508) 457-1111, Fax (508) 540-8304********************************************************** is a networking and resource directory for Nurse-Owned businesses and nurses looking for an alternative to working at the bedside.
If you explore the site a bit, you'll find profiles of hundreds of nurse entrepreneurs around the country. We encourage you to browse around, find a business category you are interested in, then contact the nurse directly. We're available for questions as well. This website is Owned-Operated by Andrew Lopez, RN a Medical/Surgical/Telemetry nurse.
Has your Nurse-owned business been written up in the news? Do you send out a newsletter or regular press releases? We'd like to hear about it!
Our Newest article is from an Arizona Nurse Entrepreneur:
Should You Incorporate Your Registry Business? By Joseph Caracci, RN:"The short answer is yes! When starting a new nurse registry business, you are entering into a legal business environment that requires you to take steps to protect your personal assets, such as your home, your savings, and your retirement. With this in mind, you need to determine which legal form you are going to take for your new registry. Some of the common choices are a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability partnership (LLP), a limited liability company (LLC), and a corporation."******************************************************
The #1 question, we've been receiving lately is about Starting A Nursing Agency, resource sites & manuals
Please choose from the following:
- 1. Register for the directory (Includes website, business cards, etc).
- 20 low-cost homebased businesses,
- 25 businesses you can start and run from home.:'Here are a variety of businesses that you can start and operate from the comfort of your home."
- Advertising Resources: Advertising Networks and Merchants that support the Nursefriendly and keep us a free website to visitors. Look here for income sources for your own site.
- Affiliate Programs: Make Money From Any Type of Website! Here we link you with advertisers ready to pay you for hosting their links. If you're not sure which type of program would work best on your site, we'll review it and make some suggestions.
- Are You Making Any of These 10 Deadly Small Biz Mistakes?
- Associations For Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses, Business Basics
- Career Alternatives For Nurses:
- Discusss Nurse Entrepreneur Opportunities, Issues and Concerns
- Franchise Opportunities: Allow you to purchase a business with an established name, product or service building on a reputation they have already established.
- Health Insurance: Medical, Dental, Prescription, Vision Coverage, Employed & Self-Employed
- How To Earn Money With Any Kind of Website
- Nurses In Business, Articles About Nurse-Owned Businesses:
- Our Newest Nurse-Owned Businesses (look here for your listing after you register).: We research and receive new nurse entrepreneur directory listings daily (they are free for nurses). These are the newest.
- Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by State:
- Review Nursing Entrepreneurs by Category:
- Starting A Nursing Agency, How To Start
- Traits & Qualities That Make Nurses Excellent Entrepreneurs
- Turn Your Knowledge & Experience Into Revenue!
- What Exactly Is A Nurse Entrepreneur
- What Made You Decide To Start Your Own Business?
Please note, Listings in this directory are FREE permanently to Nurse-Owned businesses.
If you're just starting out a business and are not sure how to go about it, feel free to give us a call or send us an E-mail.
We're available 9am to 9pm for calls EST.If you have a lot of questions, we'd suggest getting a cell phone with lots of national minutes (smile).
We can walk you through step by step from deciding
what type of business organization is right for you to, payroll, marketing, etc.Call or E-mail Andrew Lopez, BS RN, President & CEO of Nursefriendly, Inc. at 856-415-9617 or
If you don't see a category or state your business belongs in, we'll create it!
We're very supportive of nurses looking to start or expand their nurse-owned businesses.
If you have questions, please contact us. In our directories, we've organized resources to help you start, build and grow your business.
- Article Index:
- Eight Tips for Aspiring Healthcare Entrepreneurs by Megan Malugani,"You may dream about being your own boss, but are you really ready to take the plunge into healthcare entrepreneurship? Besides having a winning idea or service to offer, you must be self-motivated, persistent and energetic, say successful healthcare entrepreneurs. Faye Berger Mitchell, a nutritionist in private practice since 1988 in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Thom Golden, a former emergency room nurse who founded Doctor Baby Proofer in 1986 in Dallas, offer eight tips to aspiring entrepreneurs:
- How to Use Other People's Money for Your Business, By Matthew Lesko
- The New Power of Advertising, By Jay Conrad Levinson
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey, by Joe Vitale
- The Truth Must Be Told, Ted Nicholas
Interesting Reading For Nurse Entrepreneurs, Actual or Soon To Be:
Nurse Entrepreneurs: Tales of Nurses in Business:"This book is vey inspiring! Learn how 50 different nurses brought their vision to reality! Learn some great tips on starting your own business. Nurses don't have to just work at the bedside. Read this book and you will be thinking of how you can make your dream a reality!"
Own Your Own Corporation: Why the Rich Own Their Own Companies and Everyone Else Works for Them:"Rich Dad's-"Own your Own Corporation" is a must read for anyone comtemplating a new business-or someone who already owns their own business. Garrett's direct yet simplistic explanations of the different business entities,the proper and best suited entity for your business-is followed by real-life scenarios which helps drive home the importance of corporate ownership in today's business world. Use Garrett's legal expertise to establish a successful, legally responsible and fiscally protected business...And understand the why's and how's of that ownership."
21 Success Secrets, Success Secret #4- "Do What You Love to Do." Get your FREE CD and find out the other 20 secrets of self-made millionaires.:"Order your FREE CD ($4.95 S&H) from Brian Tracy's acclaimed 21 Success Secrets series. Start with 21 Success Secrets of $elf-Made Millionaires - full of techniques practiced by all men and women who go from rags to riches in one generation. Brian Tracy is a noted success expert. He's trained over 2 million people in 23 countries how to achieve their financial goals faster than ever before."
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Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Katherine Quinby (QuinbyRN) on Twitter
Katherine Quinby
@QuinbyRN Beautiful Northwest OregonI am a critical care nurse in the ED, retired paramedic fire fighter.Working on my business as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant.
Quinby Legal Nurse Consulting
PO Box 55183 Portland, OR 97238
phone 541.556.0099 fax 503.961.1850!/QuinbyRN
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For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
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Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Frequently Asked Questions (Certified Legal Nurse Consultants) Janice M. Hansen, RN, BSN, CLNC, National Nurse Consulting (NNC)
Frequently Asked Questions
We try to anticipate questions you might have about our services and provide the answers here. If you need additional information please send an email to
What is a National Nurse Consulting CLNC®?
We are registered nurses who have successfully mastered the rigorous CLNC® Certification Program developed by the company that pioneered the field of legal nurse consulting. NNC's professionals have the expertise to quickly pinpoint and interpret medical and nursing issues in any case involving health, illness or injury.
Why should I use a CLNC® and not an MD?
Cost-effectiveness! National Nurse Consulting's nurses have constant, face-to-face patient contact and extensive experience in the "trenches" of the healthcare system and can educate attorneys about a wide range of basic medical issues. Our gained experience allows us to focus on relevant and pertinent information to the case in a time efficient way without sacrificing analytical accuracy, saving you time and money otherwise spent on expensive medical experts.
Why do I need a CLNC® when I already have a Paralegal?
Though paralegal's play a vital role in assisting attorneys, they simply do not have the medical training, clinical experience, or the insider's knowledge on the inner workings of the medical system that an RN does. In today's complex healthcare climate, it is imperative to have on your team someone with education in science and medicine who will successfully decipher the information and nuances that will deliver optimal results.
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For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
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Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links