Saturday, January 4, 2014
Your Changing Role, Patty Hedrick, RN, @PKHedrick, North Star #ElderCare, #Nurseup #Caregivers
You are likely to run into problems, however, if you try to assume a parental role. Even persons with severe memory loss remember years of independence. They do not respond well to being shut out of decisions or told what to do. Like any adult, they want to be respected."
Patty Hedrick, RN, BSN, BA, CRRN, CCM, CLCP
North Star Elder Care
222 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 2000
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-335-2006, or toll-free at (800) 385-NSEC (6732)
Discover! "Unconventional Nurse: Going from Burnout to Bliss" Michelle Podlesni, RN @MPodlesni
Discover Martine Ehrenclou, @Med_Writer, Author of "The Take Charge-Patient"
Power Strategies For Nurses:"Do your nursing shifts feel like you’re running full speed ahead on a treadmill that you just can’t stop?
Did you know? Our team of nurses has been researching, indexing healthcare resources for over a decade? If you have questions, need resources, stop here first and search our index. If we don't have it, ask us
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly National Directories
38 Tattersall Drive
West Deptford, New Jersey 08051
856-415-9617, Fax: 856-415-9618,, @nursefriendly
Why Mom may not be taking her pills, Patty Hedrick, @PKHedrick, North Star Elder Care #Nurseup #Eldercare
It's common for patients not to take pills as directed. Some reasons include:
"It's too costly." One quarter of new prescriptions are never filled because of cost. Make sure the drug is on the insurance plan formulary. Or ask about generics. Find a discount pharmacy, or consider mail order."
North Star Elder Care
222 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 2000
El Segundo, CA 90245
310-335-2006, or toll-free at (800) 385-NSEC (6732)
Discover! "Unconventional Nurse: Going from Burnout to Bliss" Michelle Podlesni, RN @MPodlesni
Discover Martine Ehrenclou, @Med_Writer, Author of "The Take Charge-Patient"
Power Strategies For Nurses:"Do your nursing shifts feel like you’re running full speed ahead on a treadmill that you just can’t stop?
Did you know? Our team of nurses has been researching, indexing healthcare resources for over a decade? If you have questions, need resources, stop here first and search our index. If we don't have it, ask us
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly National Directories
38 Tattersall Drive
West Deptford, New Jersey 08051
856-415-9617, Fax: 856-415-9618,, @nursefriendly
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Geriatric Nurses, Eldercare Nursing, #NurseFriendly #eldercare #caregivers #nursing #nurses #geriatrics #seniorcare
See also:
Geriatrics Associations Geriatrics Clinical Resources NewCarol J. Rhodes RN, LNC, Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR):"Medical-Legal Remedies Inc (MLR) provides medical-legal Litigation Support Services for Legal Professionals that include Legal Nurse Consulting, Paralegal Litigation Support, a Medical Information Service called Virtual Legal Nurse and Medical Expert Referral Service for Attorneys, Insurance Companies, Hospital Risk Managers, Government, and Claims Management. MLR MLR's Paralegal Staff and Legal Nurse work together as a team to assist our legal clients with comprehensive medical-legal litigation issues and are committed to serve clients by offering our extensive experience and expertise to provide specialized high quality medical-legal litigation support services. By utilizing Medical-Legal Remedies Inc Paralegal/Legal Nurse Team allows the litigator to control costs and increase revenues while securing the competitive advantage with superior work products. So whether your firm or company needs a Paralegal, a Legal Nurse, or both - MLR will assist your firm or company with any medical-legal litigation case project."
Carol J. Rhodes RN, LNC
14286-19 Beach Blvd. #248
Jacksonville, FL 32250
(904) 223-3969 or
National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA):"We are the first and only nursing specialty organization dedicated to helping you realize your full potential as a gerontological nurse. We are a growing, dynamic and dedicated group of professionals who share ideas and information that improve the quality of nursing care for our elderly.
National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA)
7794 Grow Drive
Pensacola, FL 32514
Tel:(850) 473-1174 or (800) 723-0560
Fax:(850) 484-8762
Mark Ballinger RN BSN Partners In Care, Nebraska, Temporary Staffing, Medical-Surgical & Geriatrics******************************************************
Dominique Ann Bernard, RN, BSN, Virginia Nurse Entrepreneurs:"My goal is to work from home. Currently I am employed in a psychiatric facility and I work part time in a geriatric setting. My interests are varied."******************************************************
Tina Berkofsky, RN, CLNC, Florida Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing Entrepreneurs******************************************************
Folts, Mark, MSN, CNS, MichiganTracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center, Georgia Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Opening doors to the Nursing Profession is our primary concern. We are a nursing tutorial facility designed to assist our community by training healthcare professions with the most updated nursing information and training equipment. We focus on assisting individuals who want to advance in the healthcare profession, or begin with an entry level into healthcare. Our goal is to bring education to you in a comfortable non-threatening environment that allows for learning. Whether you are new to healthcare or desire to advance in this profession, we can provide you with the training you need."
Tracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center
North Pointe Plaza
1214 North Peterson Ave. Suite P
Douglas, GA 31533
Phone: (912) 384-8680
Fax: (912) 384-4390 ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
Adult Critical Care Nursing
BLS (Basic Life Support)
Career Alternatives For Nurses
Certification for Nurse Aid Students
Certification Program for Nurses
Continuing Education Provider
Critical Care Nurses
EKG Technician (New Class)
Georgia Nurse Entrepreneurs, Nurse Owned Businesses
Geriatrics Nurses
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Masters Prepared Nurses
Medical/Surgical Nursing
Motivational speaker
Motivational Workshops
NCLEX-Reviews for RN's & LPNs
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Nurses
Nurse Aid Training Provider
Nursing Education
Nursing Entrepreneur
Nursing Educators
Nursing Educators
Nursing Workshops for CE hours
Operating Room (OR)
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Nursing
Pediatrics Nurses
Professional Nurse
Public Speaker
Remediation NCLEX Review (One- on- One)****************************************************
Mary Rosabell Higgins, BSN, Registered Nurse, M. R. Higgins & Associates Legal Nurse Consultants:"M. R. Higgins & Associates-Legal Nurse Consultants, a professional service company specializing in litigation review. Established in 1997, the company is headquartered in San Francisco, California.
Services include: comprehensive medical research; investigation of medical records to determine accuracy and or tampering; translation of medical terminology and deposition reports; and, interpretation of health science literature and documents. Consultation also comprises developing chronological summary reports from medical records.
Specialty Areas:
Gerontology Legal Nurse Consultant Medical Malpractice, Negligence Pediatric Personal Injury Psychiatric/Mental health Workers compensation******************************************************
Ronald Parlee, LVN, California:
Specialty Area: Geriatrics******************************************************
Lynne Ploetz, R.N., C., B.S.N., CCM, Minnesota Nursing Entrepreneurs, Care Management, Nurse Consultants, Consulting, Patient Advocacy
Adult Critical Care, Community Health, Geriatrics
Angela M Rowe, RN, LNC, GCM, Senior Care Solutions, Alabama Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Senior Care Solutions provides Geriatric Care Management Services to aging adults and their families in Central Alabama. Our goal is to help seniors and disabled individuals to obtain the assistance they need to maintain safety, dignity, and quality of life. Senior Care Solutions provides advocacy, evaluation, education, and support services to seniors in Alabama."
3049 Lansdowne Drive
Montgomery Alabama 36111
Phone number: 334-834-9483
Fax number: 214-279-6602******************************************************
Liz Sake, BSN, RN: Liz Sake & Associates: As Legal Nurse Consultants, we determine the merits of a medical malpractice case, review and translate medical records, chronicalize events, determine; damages/injuries, future health needs, causation and standards of care. An information discovery program through research of medical literature and the latest on-line information. We prepare written summaries and reports of medical records, research findings, and expert witness information. We identify and obtain expert witnesses as needed. Basically, we are here to make the med/mal attorney's life easier by synthesizing, sorting, and condensing medical information to be used as exhibits and for MD expert review.
Categories: Blood BankingCase Management, Critical Care, Expert Witness Home Health, Legal Nurse Consultant, Managed Care, Oregon Legal Nurse Consultants, Rehabilitation
Stephanie Salings, RN,CRNAC, LNC
Kentucky Nurses, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse Entrepreneur, Nursing ExpertSpecialty Areas: Geriatrics, Home Health******************************************************
Wells, Carla,RN BScN MN ET, Newfoundland, Canada:Melissa Wogoman, RN: Ohio, Ambulatory, Hemodialysis, ICU, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nursing Home******************************************************
See also:
AgingInfoUSA:"Sue Salach-Cutler has worked in the geriatric healthcare field for close to 20 years and is the Author of "Along Comes Grandpa", a caregiving resource guide, and the novel "If I Walked in Her Shoes" ( As a National Speaker, Sue utilizes her personal and professional experiences to educate and empower professionals on the work/life affects of caregiving. ;As CEO of AgingInfoUSA she partners with companies to evaluate the cost of employee caregiving on their bottom line and implement cost effective solutions. Sue was the 2010 recipient of the YWCA Marguerite Henry Leadership Award for Communications/Technology and the Influential Women in Business Award from the Business Ledger and NAWBO. AgingInfoUSA received the 2010 Excellence in Business Award from the Business Ledger and was nominated for the Chicago Innovation Award."
651 S. Sutton Road - Suite 204
Streamwood, IL 60107
call: 847-630-0381
fax: 630-889-9886
Youtube: Care Givers, Facebook/, Geriatric Resources, Geriatric Nurses, LinkedIn, Long Term Care (LTC), Twitter, Youtube
Nursing Shortage Serious For Seniors:"There is a threat to the health of every older adult in the United States and Canada looming on the horizon. It is not a virus or new type of bacteria that is causing this threat. The threat to health is a result of the increasing shortage of nurses in both countries."******************************************************"Senior Fitness provides wellness and fitness information for seniors and those who will be senior citizens. The Stretching In Bed guide helps promote mobility, feeling better, looking better, and lets people feel less stiff, more flexible, more independent, and less fatigued. The How To Prevent Falls book is the only book that has the very successful Balance System® to prevent falls, reduce injuries, and strengthen legs. It uses 35 fun, effective, easy exercises and is a valuable program support for senior citizen centers, nursing homes, elder day care, and your family and mine.******************************************************
Geriatric Associations American Geriatrics Society:"The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is the premier professional organization of health care providers dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older adults. With an active membership of over 6,000 health care professionals, the AGS has a long history of effecting change in the provision of health care for older adults. In the last decade, the Society has become a pivotal force in shaping attitudes, policies and practices regarding health care for older people."
American Geriatrics Society
The Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801 New York, NY 10118
Phone - 212/308-1414 Fax - 212/832-8646
Email -******************************************************
Alzheimer's Association******************************************************
California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform:"Since 1983, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform has been fighting for the rights of long-term care residents in California.CANHR has directed its resources toward the following long term care issues."
1610 Bush St., San Francisco, CA 94109
Consumer Information Hotline: (800) 474-1116 (consumers only please)
Other Inquiries: (415) 474-5171 Fax: (415) 474-2904, of Women in Long Term Care (COWL):"Long term healthcare (LTC) is, in many respects, a women's issue. Women comprise 75% of the nursing home resident population, 97% of professional long term caregivers and the vast majority of family members caring for relatives at home. This demographic reality gives rise to a lot of issues, from healthcare delivery to pay equity and fringe benefits. Ironically, but not surprisingly, the majority of leadership and policy-making positions, both in long term care and in government, are occupied by men. The question becomes: How can we bring women's unique perspectives and situations, as they pertain to long term care, to the full attention of the board rooms, the legislatures, and the executive agencies of the government?"
P.O. Box 2789
Lebanon, TN 37088-2789
Phone: 615-444-1836 Fax: 615-444-0366
Webmaster: WebMaster@COWL.Org******************************************************
Council of Gerontological Nursing, North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA):"The Council of Gerontological Nursing is an organizational unit within the North Carolina Nurses Association (NCNA). The Council provides an opportunity for nurses to share expertise and discuss relevant concerns and issues critical to promoting quality care for older persons. A unique appreciation of the process of aging as a "work in progress" characterizes the philosophy of many gerontological nurses. For aphorisms about the aging process, click here (see page entitled Aphorisms about Aging)."
Gail Pruitt, RN, NCNA representative/liaison
103 Enterprise Road, Box 12225 Raleigh, NC 27605-2025
919-821-4250, 800-626-2153 fax 919-829-5807******************************************************
National Hospice Organization:"The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end of life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their loved ones. Considered to be the model for quality, compassionate care at the end of life, hospice care involves a team-oriented approach of expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient's wishes. Emotional and spiritual support also is extended to the family and loved ones. Generally, this care is provided in the patient's home or in a home-like setting operated by a hospice program. Medicare, private health insurance, and Medicaid in most states cover hospice care for patients who meet certain criteria."
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 625 Alexandria, Virginia 22314
703/837-1500 (phone) 703/837-1233 (fax)
NHPCO Helpline: 800/658-8898 on Aging - Information on Older Persons and Services for the Elderly:******************************************************
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: "The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) was established in December 1989 under Public Law 101-239 (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989). AHCPR, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead agency charged with supporting research designed to improve the quality of health care, reduce its cost, and broaden access to essential services."
Office of Health Care Information: Christine G. Williams (301) 594-1360 Executive Office Center, Suite 501 2101 East Jefferson Street Rockville, MD 20852******************************************************
Aging Network Resource Page:
Aging Network Resource Page******************************************************
American Geriatrics Society:"The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is the premier professional organization of health care providers dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older adults."
770 Lexington Ave Suite 300 New York, NY 10021 212-308-1414 Fax: 212-832-8646,******************************************************
National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants:"The National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants was formally established in 1995 by former certified nursing assistants Lori Porter and Lisa Cantrell. Initially working as CNAs, both moved up the nursing home management ladder, Lori eventually becoming a licensed nursing home administrator and Lisa a director of nursing. Throughout their careers, they remained focused on their years as CNAs, realizing that nursing assistants are both the backbone and the heart and soul of the nursing home profession."
National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants
2709 West 13th Street Joplin, Missouri 64801
Phone: 417-623-6049 • 800-784-6049 Fax: 417-623-2230
Email: Alzheimers Disease, Dementia & Senility,
Associations, Organizations, Patient Education, Healthcare, Medical,
Care Givers, Caregiving,
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs),
Geriatrics Nurses,
Hospice, Death, Dying, End of Life, Palliative Care,
Long Term Care Nurses,
Missouri Nurses,
Private Duty Nursing,****************************************************
National Institute on Aging:******************************************************
National Institute of Standards and Technology: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration, takes an active role in promoting science and technology education throughout the Gaithersburg, Md., community.
Public Inquiries Unit, (301) 975-NIST, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001. Technical website questions:
Canadian Links:
Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario:The Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario ensures that older adults in Ontario have opportunities and choices that lead to healthy, active lifestyles******************************************************
Southern Saskatchewan Stroke Prevention and Management Unit:
Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA): The federal agency that administers the Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Programs.
Medicare: The Official US Government Site for Medicare Information
What is the ALZHEIMER list?:"ALZHEIMER is an email discussion group for patients, professional and family caregivers, researchers, public policy makers, students and anyone with an interest in Alzheimer's or related dementing disorders in older adults. ALZHEIMER is intended to provide interested individuals from various perspectives an opportunity to share questions, answers, suggestions and tips."
Washington University School of Medicine Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
4488 Forest Park Blvd., Campus Box 8111-ADRC Saint Louis, MO 63108-2293
VOICE: (314) 286-2881/2882 FAX: (314) 286-2763
Send your questions, comments and ideas to:******************************************************
Institute of Gerontology: Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
Linked In:
Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business,,
If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL.
See also:
Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"
If you do any Browsing or Windowshopping online, please visit our online Mall: For Nurses:"Choose from Top Nursing Uniform Companies. All sizes, styles and popular name brands available. Large selection of accessories as well: Accessories Blood Pressure Cuffs, Sphygnomanometers Nursing Tote Bags, Carry-Ons, Medical Bags Clinical, Medical Supplies, Nurses Discount Outlet: Angels, Books, Clothing , Equipment, Figurines, Holidays, Home Decor, Jewelry, Nurses, Office Decor, Scrubs, Shoes, T-Shirts Footwear, Shoes, Sandals, Discount, Bargains Gifts For Nurses (Nurses Week) Hosiery, Socks, Stockings Hats, Jackets, Jumpers Jewelry, Earrings, Necklaces, Watches Luxury Spas, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures Perfumes, Fragrances, Phermones Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Footwear, High Heels, Slippers Stethescopes, Nurse Kits, Replacement Parts Swimwear (Tan-Through) Women's Lingerie "******************************************************
Nursing Chat, Nurse Discussion Forums:******************************************************
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of this page is comments and mail to Andrew Lopez, RN Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Doctor Focuses on the Minds of the Elderly |
The Merry Widows moved to the community when their husbands developed Alzheimer’s disease and looked to Dr. Agronin to prepare them for what lay ahead. But while treating their husbands’ disease, he became their psychiatrist, too. He urged the women to attend therapy groups, made suggestions about medication for anxiety and encouraged new bonds of friendship.
Dr. Agronin calls them his graduates — a trio of success stories among 3,700 patients he is responsible for, in what, by all accounts, is the largest geriatric psychiatry practice in the nation, at the Miami Jewish Health Systems.
The doctor is a rare breed even in Florida, which has the highest proportion of people older than 65. There are only 17 board-certified geriatric psychiatrists in the state, and a mere six here in southeast Florida, where snowbirds from New York often come to perch. In March, acknowledging the crisis in care, the federal Institute of Medicine began a study of the shortage of geriatric mental health workers nationwide.
Click on the "via" link for the full article.
For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
What's New:
Linked In:
Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Thursday, April 28, 2011
More Information on This Aging in Place Idea « Design With the Future In Mind
Over the last little while, I have been filling you in on Elsie and John, a senior couple who live in their fifty year old home but are choosing to look for a home that they can live safely and comfortably in through their mature senior years.
Recently, while visiting with their friends Tilly and Harold, another mature senior couple, they discussed their search. Harold mentioned he has been seeing more and more information on this Aging in Place idea.
John explained how Aging in Place is making the news lately because so many homeowners are in the same boat as they are: their home is nice to look at but it just isn’t functional for them as they are becoming more mature seniors. Remodelers, builders and homeowners are beginning to take notice of the need to prepare the homes for ease of living when seniors reach their later years. He further stressed that they were not interested in a home that felt institutional but it did need to be safe, comfortable and low maintenance.
Click on the "via" link for the rest of the article.
For Health Information you can use, Follow, Connect, Like us on (Most Invites Accepted):
What's New:
Linked In:
Nursing Entrepreneurs, Nurses In Business
Andrew Lopez, RN
Nursefriendly, Inc. A New Jersey Corporation.
38 Tattersall Drive, Mantua New Jersey 08051 ICQ #6116137
856-415-9617, (fax) 415-9618
150,000 + Nurse-Reviewed & Approved Nursing Links
Friday, April 15, 2011
Long Term Care (LTC) Nurses on: The Nurse Friendly
ShareThis Buzz up!11 votes ******************************************************
See Also: Falls, Injuries & Prevention, Geriatric Nurses
National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA):"We are the first and only nursing specialty organization dedicated to helping you realize your full potential as a gerontological nurse. We are a growing, dynamic and dedicated group of professionals who share ideas and information that improve the quality of nursing care for our elderly.
National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA)
7794 Grow Drive
Pensacola, FL 32514
Tel:(850) 473-1174 or (800) 723-0560
Fax:(850) 484-8762
Lucille "Lou" Addington, RN, CLNC, Florida:"We do medical-legal consulting for attorneys, insurance companies and HMO's, and private individuals. Presuit investigations and affidavits. Expert witness location. Special interest in vaccine damage cases and long term care/elder care issues. My associate and I bring a combined 42 years of professional nursing practice to our cases."
Specialty Areas:Emergency Room/Trauma care,
Expert Witness Location,
Home Care,
IV Team,
Legal Nurse Consultant,
Long Term Care,
Managed Care Organizations, HMO's,
Vaccine Injury Issues,
Nursing Administration
Atkinson, Julie, South Carolina:
Specialty Areas: Community Health, Long Term Care******************************************************
Tina Berkofsky, RN, CLNC, Florida Legal Nurse Consultants, Nursing Entrepreneurs******************************************************
Natalie A. Cole, RN, BHSA, CMCN, LNC, West Virginia Legal Nurse Consultants:"I provide medical record reviews and case analyses for attorneys working in medical malpractice, wrongful death, personal injury, and general negligence. My skills and education as a Registered Nurse, in addition to my training as a Legal Nurse Consultant, eases the burden of other legal team members by allowing them to concentrate on other important areas of a case."
5167 Procious Maysel Road
Procious, West Virginia (WV) 25164
Phone number: (304) 587-7010******************************************************
Andra DeCarlo, RN, Summit Medical Litigation Consulting, Inc.:"Andra DeCarlo, owner of Summit Medical Litigation Consulting and her team of nurses provide Legal Nurse Consulting for both defense and plaintiff attorneys looking for a clear explanation of what actually happened with the client. Is there a case? Is there a defense? We specialize in looking outside-the-box to help find the key to the case. Nursing home neglegance, PI, Medical Malpractice and more."
1586 El Tair Trail
Clearwater, FL, 33765
E-mail Address: andradecarlo@tampabay.rr.comSocial Networks:, Facebook,, LinkedIn, Twitter or******************************************************
Lisa Desimon R.N, D.C, CLNC, Illinois Nurse Entrepreneurs:"Certified Legal Nurse Consultant business, serving as a consulting expert and testifying expert on a variety of medical/legal issues/cases."
7358 Timberwolf Trail
Fairview Heights, Illinois 62208******************************************************
Baraka Dimson, BSN, New York City Nursing Agencies, Nurse-Owned Businesses:"Staff Nurse Inc. is a staffing agency for nursing homes in the state of New York. We staff nursing homes with qualified licensed practical nurses and registered professional nurses. Our rates are extremely competitive and we offer on-going staff development for our nurses. In addition to this we have a department that offers 5 weeks NCLEX review class for repeat NCLEX test takers only. We offer them the support they need and review in a small and intimate classroom environment. Our NCLEX review classes are so good, if after taking it the graduate nurse is still not successful, we allow him or her to continue taking our review classes up to 1 year until they pass the NCLEX and obtain their license.
312-316 East 149th street
Bronx New York Zip Code: 10452
Phone number: 718-772-6663 Fax number: 718-293-3980******************************************************
Teddi Nuss, RN, Mid-South Litigation Support Services:"We use our knowledge and experience to help attorneys de-mystify the medical issues in legal cases. We provide screening for merit, medical record review, interpretation and organization, time line chronologies, case summary, medical literature research, and written reports (on paper and/or disk). We collaborate with attorneys to develop a cost effective and winning aproach to the medical issues in their cases."
1534 California Avenue Lot N
Camden Arkansas (AR) 71701
Phone: 870-836-1156
Fax: 870-836-1185******************************************************
Victoria Pettograsso, LPN, BS, MS, Coastal Care Nursing Associates:"Private nurse Ownership assures our patients of superior nursing care and personalization. Presently, we are expanding our horizons into the nurse registry-consulting field. We would like to help you set up your own nurse registry. Time saved in policy and procedure development can yield earlier profits."
1525 S. Tamiami Trail Suite 603Venice, Florida 34285
Phone: 941-492-4474, Fax: 443-342-2493******************************************************
Angela M Rowe, RN, LNC, GCM, Senior Care Solutions, Alabama Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Senior Care Solutions provides Geriatric Care Management Services to aging adults and their families in Central Alabama. Our goal is to help seniors and disabled individuals to obtain the assistance they need to maintain safety, dignity, and quality of life. Senior Care Solutions provides advocacy, evaluation, education, and support services to seniors in Alabama."
3049 Lansdowne Drive
Montgomery Alabama 36111
Phone number: 334-834-9483
Fax number: 214-279-6602******************************************************
Tirzah Silver, LPN, Essential Staffing, LLC, Nurse Owned Businesses, Nursing, Staffing Agencies:" Providing temporary staffing solutions to the Phoenix Metro area Hospitals and Nursing homes. Looking for quality RN's, LPN's, and CNA's.
153 W. Desert Ct
Gilbert, AZ 85233
Phone number: (480) 507-3797, Fax number: (480) 926-2502******************************************************
Tami Skinner, LPN, Michigan Nurses, Pediatrics, Respiratory, Home Health, Medical-Surgical, Long Term Care******************************************************
Leah Stockdale, R.N., B.S.N., Nurse Registry, Inc., Maryland Nurse Entrepreneurs:
Specialty Areas:
Community Health, Consulting, Health Promotion, Home Health Care, Infusion Therapy, Long Term Care, Med/Surg, Nurse Staffing, Pediatric, Woundcare******************************************************
Jill Thomas: Home Health, Long Term Care, Wound Consulting, Legal Nurse Consultant******************************************************
See also Geriatrics:
Nursing Shortage Serious For Seniors:"There is a threat to the health of every older adult in the United States and Canada looming on the horizon. It is not a virus or new type of bacteria that is causing this threat. The threat to health is a result of the increasing shortage of nurses in both countries."******************************************************
AgingInfoUSA:"Sue Salach-Cutler has worked in the geriatric healthcare field for close to 20 years and is the Author of "Along Comes Grandpa", a caregiving resource guide, and the novel "If I Walked in Her Shoes" ( As a National Speaker, Sue utilizes her personal and professional experiences to educate and empower professionals on the work/life affects of caregiving. ;As CEO of AgingInfoUSA she partners with companies to evaluate the cost of employee caregiving on their bottom line and implement cost effective solutions. Sue was the 2010 recipient of the YWCA Marguerite Henry Leadership Award for Communications/Technology and the Influential Women in Business Award from the Business Ledger and NAWBO. AgingInfoUSA received the 2010 Excellence in Business Award from the Business Ledger and was nominated for the Chicago Innovation Award."
651 S. Sutton Road - Suite 204
Streamwood, IL 60107
call: 847-630-0381
fax: 630-889-9886
Youtube: Care Givers, Facebook/, Geriatric Resources, Geriatric Nurses, LinkedIn, Long Term Care (LTC), Twitter, Youtube
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (Church of Scientology Front Group):"The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights. Today, it has more than 135 chapters in 34 countries."
Supporting Articles for Front Group Status:******************************************************
Enteral Tube Feedings: PEG, nasogastric tubes, aspiration, formula and nursing care links.
GeroWeb: GeroWeb is designed as an online resource for researchers, educators, practitioners, and others interested in aging and older individuals.
****************************************************** Term Care Solutions (LTCS):"This site provides information on skilled nursing facilities, MDS documentation, and long term care manuals."
Long Term Care Solutions (LTCS)
Long Term Care Manuals and Forms
Phone: 513-533-0810 Fax: 513-533-0826******************************************************
National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants:"The National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants was formally established in 1995 by former certified nursing assistants Lori Porter and Lisa Cantrell. Initially working as CNAs, both moved up the nursing home management ladder, Lori eventually becoming a licensed nursing home administrator and Lisa a director of nursing. Throughout their careers, they remained focused on their years as CNAs, realizing that nursing assistants are both the backbone and the heart and soul of the nursing home profession."
National Association of Geriatric Nursing Assistants
2709 West 13th Street Joplin, Missouri 64801
Phone: 417-623-6049 • 800-784-6049 Fax: 417-623-2230
Email: Alzheimers Disease, Dementia & Senility,
Associations, Organizations, Patient Education, Healthcare, Medical,
Care Givers, Caregiving,
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs),
Geriatrics Nurses,
Hospice, Death, Dying, End of Life, Palliative Care,
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Missouri Nurses,
Private Duty Nursing,****************************************************
National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants (NAHC):"The National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants (NAHAC) is a professional organization for people working in the field of healthcare advocacy. The mission of this Association is twofold: To promote the field of healthcare advocacy. To ensure consumer protection through development of professional standards and best practices in the field of healthcare advocacy"
National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants
3030 Ashby Ave., Suite 105
Berkeley, CA 94705******************************************************
National Hospice Organization:
Stroke and Aging Research Project, Neurological Institute of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City:"Founded in 1988 with funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Stroke and Aging Research Project is a prospective study of the association between cerebrovascular disease and dementia based at the Neurological Institute of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. This World Wide Web page was developed to provide an easily accessible list of references to our major publications and links to related sites. This page provides an easily accessible list of references to our major publications and links to related sites."
StrokeCenter at Washington University:
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